Saturday, December 6, 2008

Anthony's New Bed & More

Anthony received a new bed and bedding for his Birthday and Christmas and he loves it!!! Below is Anthony and his Dad putting it together!!! Not only did has Anthony been enjoying his new bed but he as advanced in his reading class and is now above grade level! This is huge for Anthony! Anthony was born with little to know movement in his eardrums. Basically he could hear like we hear under water for the first 18 months of his life. He has been through a lot in his 13 years but he has come so far! He is not only improving in his reading but Math and Writing too. He enjoys History, Science and of course his favorite PE. Although, Anthony is struggling in his first few weeks as a teen, but he will overcome this season of his life and rise above it and become whatever he sets his mind too. Anthony spends his time playing with finger skateboards, reading, drawing, riding his bike and wave board. Anthony and his Dad love playing games on the play station but also board games and a little horse play until someone gets hurt! It is a joy to watch them bond more and more each day! He loves spending time with his animals and new little brother Andrew as well has getting to know new friends in youth group! We love going to Red Lobster in early November for a early birthday lunch were he can enjoy has many Shrimp has he wants the record so far is 116 as of this year!!! Anthony enjoys spending a couple weekends of month with his Aunt Tracey and Cousin Madison Rose! Later this month he is looking forward to attending the Winter Retreat through Liberty Bible Youth Group! He loves the Lord! I remember when I was pregnant with Andrew he said hey Mom you know that Andrew will know and love the Lord Jesus from the day he is born, I missed 5 years but he won't! I was so overwhelmed by his knowledge!I told him the Jesus knew of him and he led us to him at the perfect time for us!!! I am so proud to have Anthony Leland Walker-Tremaine has my son and I would be lost without him! He is the greatest thing besides God that ever happened to me!! There is so much more I could say about the oldest son but we would be here for days!!! I love you Anthony!!! Love Mom

1 comment:

Kelly said...

hey tiffany, that is so awesome! a new bed, i can't imagine putting that thing together! it has so many parts and pieces! i am so glad anthony and andrew love each other! i brings me so much joy to see my precious babies interact and love eachother the way they do! love is an increible thing!